The Youth: 12 Years & Up, Teens, Adolescents, Students
People present themselves in therapy with their different interpretations of life – this also touches children’s interpretations of themselves in their different relations to this world. The peer group and the other significant relationships have a direct bearing on well being for the child.
Students present with their own unique challenges – academic pressure and emotional discomfort can limit performance. As an experienced therapist and student counsellor, Dr. Tienie has always functioned with great ease within this community.
Dr. Tienie offers Educational Psychology services to the public. Improving the learning of children entails taking cognizance of the person in context – the learning child. Dealing with the child in context does imply a true dialogue and a peek into the lifeworld of the child. Dr. Tienie knows that communication is key when working with children and adolescents and he has functioned in this domain for the past 24 years with good effect.
Psychometric assessments: Psychometric assessments entail the evaluation of thinking, learning and behaviour. There are many ways to elicit information in the evaluation – interviews, testing and observing, and consulting other professionals involved. The use of games, paper and pen drawings and even puzzles can form part of the gathering of information.
Typical applications of psychotherapy:
- Depression and other mood disorders
- Anxiety
- Self-esteem
- Relationships
- Psycho-sexual development
- Career design/ counselling
- Academic “dysfunction”
- Learning disabilities
- Concessions/ Accommodations for academic examinations/ tests