Family Counselling: What It Is, and How It Could Be a Game-Changer for Your Family

Families are often portrayed as the ultimate support unit – the people who are nearest and dearest to you. In reality, however, families often experience friction or conflicts, or have to endure life challenges together, whether they feel equipped to face it or not. This is not necessarily a negative thing and can lead to stronger bonds. But it can also cause rifts between members in a household, which could lead to bigger issues if left unaddressed. Family counselling is a form of psychotherapy aimed at families to assist them with strengthening or processing their relationships and the struggles they deal with.

Family counselling should be facilitated by a qualified professional, as it can be an intricate process. Because it involves a number of individuals (all members of the family who are willing to participate in the counselling sessions), this type of therapy is often short term and focussed on dealing with a specific challenge or crisis that the family is facing.

Let’s take a closer look at situations where family counselling may be useful.

  • Working on troubled relationships – Not all relationships develop and grow in an easy and healthy manner, whether it is with your partner, in-laws, children, or other family members.
  • Dealing with marital problems or divorce/separation – While couples therapy is available for partners to work on their own relationship, issues in parents’ relationship can also adversely affect other members in a household.
  • Facing financial troubles – Financial issues are always very stressful, as it affects all aspects of life. This stress can cause a multitude of other problems if not dealt with correctly.
  • Resolving conflict – Conflict resolution is an essential part of healthy relationships, and sometimes support is necessary to help members grow through and resolve these conflicts.
  • Dealing with illness, mental health problems, or addiction – These challenges can affect everyone in a family differently, and cause a lot of stress and heartache. Counselling can help members deal with it both individually and as a team.
  • Loss of a loved one – Grief is a strong emotion and can hold people in a vice-like grip for years, leading to additional challenges and problems. Realising that we all deal with grief differently and at our own pace, can help us support each other better and heal together.

These are only a few examples of why a family may need counselling. Instead of letting these challenges fester and become obstacles that seem insurmountable, give your household the chance to heal and be the best people you can be. To find out more about these group therapy options, contact the office of Dr Tienie Maritz today.


A message from Dr Tienie Maritz

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