Career Design

Choosing a career is more than just deciding what I like – it entails understanding that this continuous activity called WORK, has everything to do with individuality and application of personality in a specific place and time. What you like to do today cannot be isolated to today – we need to think how this came about?

Career counseling/ design can be described as a multi-facetted exercise to determine how individuals choose and use work. This investigation looks into constructs like aptitude, interests and goals as important parts of a person’s personality and expression of self – concept (Holland, 1997; Savickas & Spokane, 1999).

In the world of today, we are confronted with choice and adaptation in the world of work. It demands of us to take cognizance of:

  • What different people prefer to do?
  • How individuals cope with vocational development tasks, occupational transitions, and work traumas;
  • The dynamics by which life themes impose meaning on vocational behavior and why individuals fit work into their lives in distinct ways.

This can occur right through a person’s working life and is not limited only to end of school decisions that are made.

Dr. Tienie spends time to:

  • work through psychometric assessments: Cognitive, interest, personality, aptitude, values
  • invest in self-defining stories about vocational development tasks – the narrative
  • to facilitate occupational transitions,
  • work through career traumas that an individual has faced.

Career design starts the day of birth…and somewhere before leaving school (at a very young age) everyone has to make an informed choice……and this choice determines your career happiness and success…. it touches values and preferences …..and challenge you with constant dynamic change.

A message from Dr Tienie Maritz

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