About Trauma Therapy and the Common Approaches to Help You Heal from Trauma
If you’ve experienced an exceptionally distressing experience that has overwhelmed your body and mind, you may be suffering from trauma. Trauma is a reaction to a life-threatening or emotionally disturbing event. This reaction could be reliving the same experience over and over in your mind through flashbacks and dreams. For others, it could be avoiding these memories to prevent emotional distress, withdrawing from society, or being hyperaware and uncomfortable with your surroundings.
Today, trauma is quite common and can take many forms. Whether it’s due to a natural disaster or a personal tragedy that has left you scarred, trauma can appear immediately after the experience or many years later. Irrelevant of the incident, any type of trauma can prove to be debilitating and can wreak havoc in one’s life. It can not only cause one to become withdrawn and depressed, but trauma also is known to be one of the leading causes of addiction and suicide.
Emotional and mental wellbeing can take time and patience, which is why if you’ve experienced some kind of traumatic event in your life that has left you scarred, then it is advisable to seek trauma therapy as soon as possible. However, there is no magical treatment that will heal you overnight. Healing from trauma is like training for a marathon. It takes patience, training, motivation, willpower, and the support of family and friends. It is also important to understand that since trauma symptoms vary from one person to another, not all types of therapy work for each individual. There are numerous approaches to trauma therapy, and while many therapists combine different types of therapies together, the purpose of therapy is to merge the traumatic event into your life, and not erase it.
As with any form of trauma therapy, finding the right therapist that you feel comfortable with and can trust is first and foremost. Also, it’s important to not feel pushed or bullied into a therapy that you are not comfortable with. Your therapist should be 100% transparent with you, your insecurities, and any fears that you may have about your recovery journey.
Win the Battle with Your Past with a Therapist in Pretoria
If you reside in Pretoria or Johannesburg and are in search of a trauma therapist, then make an appointment with Dr Tienie Maritz. In practice for over twenty years, Dr Tienie Maritz is a psychologist with a proven track record in the application of psychology, couples counselling, relationship therapy, trauma therapy, and cognitive behavioural treatment.
Not only does Dr Tienie Maritz hold a Ph. D. and M.Ed. in psychology, but he also holds professional memberships with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Renowned and highly respected, Dr Tienie Maritz also offers favourable medical aid rates and easy payment plans for those who are not on a medical aid.