Do You Need Help for Your Depression from a Therapist?
If medical reasons have been ruled out, and you have followed several tips on handling or living with depression, then you may feel as though there is no solution. However, there is always a solution, and it is best sought with professional guidance. To this end, seeing a therapist for depression is the first step towards addressing the issue.
Depression affects everyone differently. There may have been an incident, such as the loss of both your parents within a short period apart. Perhaps you are suffering from a chronic medical condition, such as diabetes. The effects of the medical condition on your daily interaction and enjoyment of life may cause you to feel as if the condition is a burden that you cannot carry alone.
Your financial situation may also be causing you to be depressed or perhaps your children have grown up and have left home for university. The house is empty and you no longer feel like part of their lives. You may have lost a baby or perhaps you have struggled to conceive without success. It is important to understand the cause and have someone help you work towards regaining enjoyment of life.
A therapist can help you come to terms with changes in your life and trauma, but what if you do not feel like getting up in the morning or venturing outside? What if you simply cannot find a reason to laugh or participate in life? What if there has been no major incident or change? What if all medical reasons have been ruled out? How do you cope with life and find the inner strength to participate? To this end, seeking professional help from a therapist for depression is also the right first step towards understanding the cause, addressing it, and overcoming it.
Whether you are going through changes in your life, such as moving house, settling into a new career, dealing with retrenchment, working through the loss of a loved one, or handling the impact of a divorce, a therapist is professionally equipped to help you through the situation and overcome the effects that are keeping you from living your life.
Depression is treatable, regardless of the cause or apparent lack thereof, and regardless of how severe and for how long you have suffered from the symptoms. Lifestyle changes, dietary adaptations, medication, or simply a shoulder may be the solution. However, the road to recovery, more often than not, starts with seeking professional help.
Contact Dr Maritz to help you overcome depression.