Why Young Couples Should Go for Premarital Counselling 

Are you thinking of tying the knot this summer, but not sure if you know each other well enough? Are you worrying about a few things, such as money, investments, personal space, and even children? Marriage is supposed to be a sacred vow of “till death do us part”, but South African divorce statistics tell us a different story.

The reality is that nobody enters into a marriage just to get divorced. Couples envision a lifetime of happiness together. Sadly, many marriages were destined for trouble from the words “I do”. Yes, not all marriages are successful. In fact, according to Statistics SA, South Africa’s divorce rate is currently at its highest, and marriage rates are at their lowest. Given the staggering divorce rates, early intervention is important, because the risk of divorce is at its highest early in the marriage. If you want to ensure a long, happy, and successful union, then premarital counselling is one of the greatest ways to save your marriage before it even begins. While we could give you 100 reasons why young couples should go for premarital counselling, you only need two. 

“The success of a marriage comes not in finding the “right” person, but in the ability of both partners to adjust to the real person they inevitably realise they married”. – John Fisher

#1 Communication is the Cornerstone for a Healthy Relationship

Sometimes, new couples enter into a marriage with either no expectations or quite a few, which is exactly why it’s so important to discuss certain issues. Possibly, the greatest benefit of premarital counselling is learning to openly communicate with one another. We all have our own history, values, beliefs, and opinions, and premarital counselling allows you to address certain topics, such as affection, beliefs, children, decision-making, time spent together, and even sex. Openly discussing differences and expectations with a professional premarital counsellor provides an opportunity for you and your partner to better understand and support one another.

#2 Learn How to Share Money and Manage Finances

Clarifying and exploring social conditioning, values, beliefs, the past, and future expectations are a great beginning for couples who are about to walk down the aisle, but you’ll also need to learn how to share money, make compromises, and manage finances and investments together as a couple. As one of the leading causes of divorce, finances and investments can be a huge relationship killer. The sooner you get onto the same page about finances, the better.

Marriage isn’t easy and requires hard work, and given the laundry list of factors that can lead to divorce, the smartest thing that newly engaged couples can do is to seek premarital counselling before they say their “I dos.” If you’re a newly engaged couple in Johannesburg or Pretoria looking for a little guidance before you walk down the aisle, then contact Dr Tienie Maritz.

Dr Tienie Maritz is a renowned psychologist at the forefront of trauma counselling, relationship therapy, and premarital counselling, and we offer favourable medical aid rates and easy payment plans.

A message from Dr Tienie Maritz

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