A Family Therapist That Can Help Your Family Work Together as a Unit Once Again


Have you found yourself walking a tightrope around certain family issues? If so, you should consider visiting a family therapist. Whether you’d like to believe it or not, family problems can manifest in the healthiest of families. Unfortunately, these difficult problems can result in challenging, frustrating, and painful interactions among family members. In fact, some family members have been forced to part ways because these issues were not addressed and dealt with in the correct manner.


Understanding Family Therapy


Today, many people have a misconception about family therapy. When many hear the word “family therapy”, they immediately get a mental image of an individual spending weeks, months, or even years on a long leather couch with a box of tissues, without much progress. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Family therapy is a concise therapy with varied approaches that can be used to deal with varied problems. Family therapists deal with many different issues – from dealing with buried resentments, preparing for a divorce or separation, and resolving communication problems, to helping family members cope with feelings of guilt, disappointment, behavioural issues, mental health problems, trauma, death, infidelity, incarceration, or domestic violence. Family therapists approach family issues in a structural manner and are able to effectively guide families to work together as a unit.


While the purpose of family therapy is to assist each family member that has been affected, the solution is for each member to work much better as a unit after the therapy. There are many benefits of family therapy, and while a family therapist can help in creating communication and honesty, reduce tension and stress, improve happiness, strengthen the bond between parent-child relationships, resolve sibling issues, and learn the best way to resolve internal issues before they blow up, the skills learnt can also be applied to relationships outside of the family unit.


About Dr Tienie Maritz


In a perfect world, a family is a unit in which we can trust, share our innermost thoughts and feelings, rely on for constant support, and feel love no matter what we do or say. However, in reality, there are very few families that fulfil these expectations. If you reside in the Gauteng area and are in search of an exceptional family therapist to help open the lines of communication, resolve internal conflict, give each individual the opportunity to express their concerns and emotions, and help each family member gain an understanding of the problems their family faces, and how it affects them and their relationships with others, then you need to contact Dr Tienie Maritz.


Dr Tienie Maritz is a renowned psychologist in Pretoria with a PhD in regression and hypnotherapy, as well as an Med in psychology. It is a well-known fact that all types of therapy can be expensive, however, if you’re not on a medical plan, we are open to negotiating payment terms at your first session. To learn more, please contact Dr Tienie Maritz.

A message from Dr Tienie Maritz

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