When to Seek Out Family Counselling 

There was once a time when the myth was that only “crazy” or “sad” people went for counselling. However, today, many individuals and families have discovered the many benefits of finding a skilled, empathetic professional to help them sail through the storms of life.

Family plays an important role in our emotional, physical, and spiritual development. What is important to understand is that every family experiences some sort of trauma or change that impacts the entire family. When one family member acts out, everyone is affected, and this can cause huge problems. It is also important to understand that no family is perfect. Just like a strong marriage needs constant TLC and maintenance, keeping a family happy and balanced also takes hard work. This is where family counselling comes to the rescue. Here’s a list of the most common reasons to seek family counselling:

  • Trauma or a sudden change that impacts the entire family, such as a financial crisis, health issues, accident, natural disaster, or the incarceration of a family member.
  • Depression and anxiety can affect anyone of any age. If you’re a parent who is struggling with getting out of bed in the morning, or you have a young child or teen that is showing signs of hopelessness, family counselling is highly recommended.
  • Divorce is not easy on anyone. In fact, they say that when two people part ways, both families are affected in more ways than one. Not only can this cause anger, depression, and anxiety, but it can also cause young children and teens to act out.
  • Domestic violence is a huge issue worldwide, and can be fuelled by addiction or feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, and even financial loss. It is important to understand that violence can have life-long effects on the parents and the children, especially if they have witnessed any acts of violence between parents.
  • Addiction can be extremely scary for any family. Whether it’s gambling, alcohol, drug, or sex addiction, it is a very troubling issue that if left untreated, can lead to broken marriages, incarceration, job loss, and severe health risks.
  • There is no greater anguish than the loss of a child or a parent, which is why loss should never be taken lightly. The problem with not dealing with loss is that it can lead to feelings of abandonment, rejection, and severe life-long depression. It is highly advised to seek the services of a compassionate therapist who can provide coping methods for each family member.
  • From cutting and substance abuse, to eating disorders, self-harm comes in many different forms. Unfortunately, today, the pressure is high for teens, with many struggling with acceptance, image, and weight issues. In a situation where they are unable to process their frustrations, they turn to self-harm practices. Not only does this affect the teen, but it also has a huge effect on the family as a whole. 

Because You and Your Family Deserve to be Happy

The goal of family counselling is to open the lines of communication and learn new ways of relating to each other, as well as resolve conflict, as family counselling gives each family member the opportunity to express their concerns and emotions. Family counselling helps each family member to gain an understanding of the disruptive problem, how it affects them, and how to work through struggles and challenges in a way that makes the family unit stronger.

To find out more about how family counselling can benefit you and your family, chat to Tienie Maritz today.

A message from Dr Tienie Maritz

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